

BougainvilleasThese beautiful vines are rapid growers and climbers, and prolific bloomers. They need a warm climate, full sun, and good drainage.
Bougainvilleas are native to Central America, most of South America, the Caribbean Islands, Spain, parts of the United States, and many other warm climates. They are available in many colors including hot pink (my favorite) red, purple, lavender, yellow, orange, pale pink, white, and white with pink-tipped edges.

Growing Of Bougainvilleas

 Bougainvillea thrives in places that are hot and relatively dry. If you want to keep bougainvillea outdoors all year long, it's best to be in hardiness zone 9 or higher. If you're in a colder, wetter zone, you can still grow bougainvillea if you plant it in a pot and bring it indoors for the winter.Bougainvillea is a sun-lover and it will grow best in a full sun position, in the open, facing due North (in the southern hemisphere) and due South (in the northern hemisphere). Bougainvillea needs at least six hours of full sun every day to thrive.Add limestone to the soil to increase the pH or sulphur to decrease the pH as necessary.If you're planting the bougainvillea in a pot, choose a soil mix with the appropriate pH level. Dig a hole as deep as the bougainvillea plant's root ball. Add a high-phosphate fertilizer to the hole to promote root growth and help the flowers bloom. Lift the bougainvillea plant from its container and tickle the roots, then wet the root ball into the hole. Lightly pat the soil around the base of the plant.

Benefits of Bougainvilleas

  • Bougainvillea leaves are used to cure variety of disorders like for diarrhea, and to reduce stomach acidity.
  • It is used for cough and sore throat.
  • Infusion of flowers used as treatment for low blood pressure..
  • Leaves are use to cure diabetes 2.
  • Stems help in hepatitis.
  • Last but not the least, poultice out of the various parts of bougainvillea may be placed on painful and swollen joints. That’s because bougainvillea is known to possess anti-inflammatory properties.

I hope this article about Bougainvilleas will be very helpful  you
