The Desert Rose Plant (Adenium Obesum)

The Desert Rose Plant (Adenium Obesum)The Desert Rose plant (Adenium obesum)

The Desert Rose plant (Adenium obesum) with its vibrant displays of 2″-3″ inch flowers in shades of red, pink, white, and yellow are show stoppers. For best results keep plants in high light for 6 hours or more per day, all through the summer. The Adenium desert rose makes for colorful, dramatic potted specimen for patios and decks during summer.

Growing Of The Desert Rose Plants

Begin starting adenium seeds by preparing a container with a well-draining growing medium, like a perlite or sand and soil mix. Place the seed in the growing medium, just covering them with the growing medium. Water from below daily and from above once every three days until the seedlings appear. Place the growing tray or container on a heating pad and keep the temperature of the growing medium at between 80 and 85 F. (27039 C.).Take a cutting from the tip of a branch. Allow the cutting to dry out for a day or two, then wet the end of the desert rose cutting and dip it in rooting hormone. Stick the cutting into a well draining growing medium like perlite or sand mixed with soil. Water the cutting daily, making sure the water is able to drain out of the soil. Use a spray bottle and mist the cutting daily as well.

Caring Of The Desert Rose Plants 

The Desert Rose needs to watered only every 7 to 10 days. Feeding: Use liquid fertilizer at half the recommended strength once a month from spring to autumn.
Repot every two or three years in spring with root-pruning. A well-draining soil mix is needed as excess wetness is a sure way to kill the Desert Rose.The Desert Rose tree can be propagated from seeds and cuttings.Aphids, mealybugs and spider mites may attack Desert Roses which are weakened by poor conditions. Good care will prevent most infestations.

Benefits of The Desert Rose Plants

    The Desert Rose Plant (Adenium Obesum)
  • In general, Adenium is widely developed because it has attractive tree shapes and bonsai shapes. Adenium is a very beautiful plant.
  • Adenium has the benefit of being a native that is long-flowering, colourful, drought tolerant, low in its water demand and easy to look after. In fact, the main problem that most gardeners have when they first get one is overwatering. This can be avoided by growing the desert rose as a container plant and by keeping it in full sun. It thrives in both conditions. 
  • Desert rose is sometimes planted as a live fence and the wood is sometimes used as fuel.
  • The medicinal benefits are, as a bonsai plant, treating wounds, treating the soles of the feet, taking care of skin beauty, relieving pain, treating toothache, treating ulcers.
I hope this article about The Desert Rose Plant (Adenium Obesum) will be very helpful
