Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo
Lucky Bamboo

The lucky bamboo plant is a must for anyone attempting to attract personal prosperity and wealth into their lives with good luck symbols.Actually the lucky bamboo plant is not a bamboo at all. Its official name is Dracaena Sanderana. 
It is widely known as the lucky bamboo for two reasons.Reason number one is that it resembles the true bamboo.Reason number two is that this plant has been considered to be very auspicious for centuries. It has been considered a luck bring plant in China for more than 4000 years.
How To Lucky Bamboo Grow 
Grow your lucky bamboo plant in soil or in water.
  • To grow in water, use a layer of pebbles to stabilize the stems of the plant and hold it in place.
  • Add enough water to keep the roots covered.
  • Distilled or filtered water is best, especially if you have fluoride or chlorine in your tap water. These chemicals can cause the green tips of the leaves to burn and turn brown.
  • A container makes it easy to see the roots and check the water level, but it can also cause algae to grow, so you may want to use a colored container.
Lucky Bamboo Care

You will see people growing lucky bamboo indoors in their offices or low light parts of their homes. This is because lucky bamboo needs very little light. It will not grow well in near darkness.Growing your lucky bamboo in a location with its preferred lighting conditions helps it to reach its full potential. If you're planting it outdoors in the garden or in an outdoor container, situate it in an area that receives filtered shade, partial sun or morning sun.

Lucky bamboo plants grown in soil or containers are moderately tolerant to drought, although regular applications of water keep it growing to its maximum height and width. Check containers every day or two and water deeply – until water runs from the bottom drainage holes – when the top inch of soil is dry. Plants growing in the garden can get by with weekly water applications, but if conditions are hot and dry, they may require water several times a week. If your lucky bamboo is growing in a container of water, keep the container filled to the appropriate level. To remove any chemical buildup, flush the container monthly and refill it with fresh water.

The lucky bamboo plant will need at least 1 to 3 inches of water before it has grown roots. Once it has grown roots, you will need to make sure that the roots are covered by the water. As your lucky bamboo grows, you can increase the amount of water it grows in. The higher up the stalk the water goes, the higher up the stalk the roots will grow. The more roots the lucky bamboo has, the more lush the top foliage will grow.

I hope this  article about Lucky Bamboo Plant will be very helpful for you


  1. Informative and interesting. Would love to have this plant at first instance.


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