Succulent plants (Cactus Family)

Succulent plants (Cactus Family)

Succulent plant

Succulent plants are not your typical houseplants. Sought after for their unique texture, colors, variety and versatility, they add stunning visual interest to their surroundings.
Succulent plants, which are members of the cactus family, make excellent Sun-loving houseplants, since they require very little water and direct exposure to bright (preferably natural) light.
EXAMPLES: Common succulents include: jade, burro’s tail, string of pearls, string of bananas, hens and chicks, sedum, agave, air plants, bear’s paw, aloe and many more.


  • Your first step is removing the lower leaves of the plant. Carefully, though! Grab and wiggle a leaf until it snaps off, making sure you get the whole leaf so it can grow roots of its own. Remember: A partial leaf will not a succulent make.
  • Now that you've removed the lower leaves, cut that guy off with a sharp pair of scissors or a knife. Don't discard the rosette or the pot with the stem though – they'll both be back for round two shortly.
  • You just need to sit tight and wait for your amputated plant parts to dry out and create a callous where they've been removed. Planting the leaves immediately will mean they don't have a chance to heal and will rot in the soil. Leave out to dry for approximately a week.
  • Now that they've calloused over it's time to place the leaves on top of soil. Not in, just on top. After Some time it will soon turn into baby plants – at this point, mist with water every other day to keep the soil moist and the babies fed.
  • Once you see the mother leaf starts to wither and die, you can remove it and plant the new offspring in its own pot. You'll find each leaf dances to the beat of its own drum.


Here are five brilliant ways succulents can improve your quality of life at home and help you live healthier

They help you breathe
Keep these plants in the bedroom for an extra boost of refreshed air during your sleep that ultimately leads to a better night’s sleep. 

They purify the air
Succulents, like snake plant and aloe vera, are excellent at cleansing the air and removing toxins

They help prevent diseases
About 10 percent of the moisture in the atmosphere is water released by plants. The same applies to your home, the more plants you have, especially in groupings, the better you can improve the humidity in your home that can prevent dry skin, colds, sore throat and dry cough.

There is one more use for plants beyond their visual appeal and health benefits. By taking cuttings from your existing plants, you can easily prepare a thoughtful and inexpensive gift for a loved one. Simply allow roots to form by placing the cuttings in water for a week or two, purchase a lovely pot from a second hand shop, and be sure to inform the recipient of its extra uses 

I hope this article about Succulent plants (Cactus Family) will be very helpful for you

Succulent plant
