Snake plant

Snake Plant

Snake plant
Snake plants are evergreen perennials that can grow anywhere from eight inches to 12 feet high. Their sword-like leaves are approximately two feet long. The foliage is stiff, broad, and upright, in a dark green color variegated with white and yellow striping. They are famous for their ability to survive in the most unsuitable growing conditions.They are also renowned for their qualities that help purify the air we breathe.

Growing of Snake Plant

Growing snake plant from cuttings is relatively easy. The most important thing to remember is that they can easily rot, so a free draining soil needs to be used. Leaf cuttings are the usual method but probably the easiest way to propagate snake plants is by dividing. The roots produce fleshy rhizomes, which can simply be removed with a sharp knife and potted up. Again, these will need to go into a free draining soil. After they have been propagated, the care of snake plants is very easy. Put them in indirect sunlight and don’t water them too much, especially during the winter. In fact, it’s better to let these plants dry out some between waterings. A little general purpose fertilizer can be used if the plants are in a pot, and that’s about it.

Benefits of Snake Plants

Snake plantThe Snake Plant cleans air better than most other indoor plants as it has the ability to absorb excessive amounts of carbon monoxide.
 Additionally, it emits oxygen and filters other toxins from the air such as benzene, xylene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde.
When placed in office and home spaces Snake Plants can assist in increasing productivity, decreasing stress, fostering happy vibes and enriching overall well-being and health.
-In China, decoction used for detoxification, as anti-inflammatory, and for treatment of sores and snake bites.
It is also used for boils, cough, bronchitis, traumatic injuries.
In Sri Lanka, rhizomes used for coughs and colds; leaves used for snake bite

I hope this artlicle about Snake Plant will be very helpful 
